How long does a roof last

A new roof is a major investment, and a crucial one, at that. So what happens if your current roof is failing? Many business owners may feel the need to count their pennies to see if they can fit a new roof in their budget. But, not all roofing issues call for a roof replacement…especially […]

New metal roof

Installing a roof isn’t a one-day job. Once the installation starts, you might be without a real roof for up to a week, which is exactly why you can’t install a new roof at just any time of the year! Issues like rain and snow can set the project back. And, when your business doesn’t […]

Roof Maintenance

Are you ready to sign off on that commercial roof repair you budgeted for? Don’t begin the project until you ask your roofing contractors these 10 questions. Unemployment is hovering around 4% and that near-record low number means business is booming! Consumers are spending more money and smart business owners are making investments in their […]