A man looking at a ceiling with water spots from a serious roof leak.

Roof replacement is expensive. But, that’s what you get if you don’t do regular maintenance for your commercial roof. Flat roofs are less expensive to install than pitched roofs, but they’re more prone to water damage, punctures and infiltration (which can reduce lifespan). That’s why it is especially important to make sure you’re taking care […]

A man looks over a roof in need of emergency commercial roof repair.

The quicker your emergency commercial roof repair is done, the quicker your business can get back to operating at full capacity. That’s why it’s so important to find reliable and efficient commercial roofers who are ready to solve serious issues that threaten your commercial roof. But, it’s equally important that you know when to contact […]

A professional preparing to do commercial solar maintenance and cleaning.

Dirty solar panels can cause problems. In fact, dirt buildup and grime can reduce your solar panel system’s power output (which ultimately reduces your energy cost savings and slows your return on investment). The hard truth is that your solar energy system needs regular maintenance and cleaning services to operate at maximum efficiency over its […]