Comparing Contractor Bids for Your Commercial Roof

When obtaining bids for roof repair, replacement or an entirely new roofing system, your business is putting its trust in the expertise of multiple commercial roofing contractors. So, it’s imperative to do your due diligence, reviewing each company’s scope of work along with the bid price that gets submitted. Unfortunately, when comparing bids for commercial […]

Flat commercial roof with a large puddle of ponding water around rooftop HVAC units.

Whether you’re manufacturing or have a retail space where clients are visiting your business, an intact, functional roof is a must. Too many people take a proper drainage system on their low-slope or flat roof for granted and don’t consider the serious risk of standing water. After all, what harm can a simple puddle do?

Why are Flat Roofs So Common on Commercial Buildings?

There are many different styles of roofs that you can choose for your building. However, when you are constructing a new building and installing a commercial roof, the most common style (as you might know) is a flat roof. But why exactly are flat roofs so popular for commercial building applications?