What Is Design-Build and Is It Useful for Roofing?
In a study crunching data from 1998 through 2018, the Construction Industry Institute concluded that design-build projects are fast, reliable, and cost-effective.
What is design build? It’s a construction project delivery method where the designer and contractor work on the same team. It’s a form of single-source contracting, and the best part is that a building owner only needs to work with one entity — known as the design-builder.
Design-build is the opposite of the traditional form of construction where an owner might work with multiple entities, from architects to subcontractors and everything in between.
Looking at Design-Build and Design-Bid-Build Approaches
There are different construction methods to the building process. We’re going to look at three: design-build, design-bid-build, and briefly, construction management.
Design-Build Contract
The design-build project delivery method has one streamlined method of operation. In it, the project owner contracts one design-build entity, usually a company or agency, that includes a construction team and a design team. Because all team members work “under the same roof,” making this one of the biggest, best benefits of design-build approach. Delays and cost inefficiencies are addressed head-on.
There are design-build credentials that come from the Design-Build Institute of America. Known as a Design-Build Professional (DBIA), they are earned through two to six years of experience pre- and post-award design build.
Design-Bid-Build Projects
In a traditional design-bid-build method, an owner manages two separate contracts that run simultaneously: one with a designer and one with a general contractor. Once design plans are completed by a designer or architect, the owner then typically solicits bids from contractors for the actual work and a selection process gets underway.
The two entities usually have no ties to one another, and issues often arise because neither party bears full responsibility for the completeness of the design. If irregularities and failures occur, each party may blame the other.
Construction Management
A construction manager is hired to oversee the project, from design services to post-construction. There’s a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) usually set during the bidding stage.
Being Money Smart
Larger or more intricate projects use GMP. This is when customers reimburse contractors up to a certain amount for labor and materials. These contracts are harder to negotiate than typical ones that are based on time and materials. This is because the contractor is on the line for financial risk.
The Application of Design-Build in Roofing
Professionals in the commercial roofing industry use design-build services. It’s a method that’s highly useful and efficient.
In the commercial roofing industry, design-build companies offer one single point of contact throughout the entire construction process, from start to finish. With the designer and the contractor on the same team, solutions to roofing problems are addressed quickly and without conflict.
The design-build process helps to anticipate possible change-orders from the outset of design discussions pre-construction, and ultimately provides a more accurate idea of price for customers. This level of teamwork also equates to meeting project goals, leading to a faster turnaround on project completion.
Advantages of Design-Build Construction
If you’re looking to complete your roofing project efficiently and effectively, then finding a knowledgeable commercial roofing design-build team is essential.
The perks of design-build project team include:
1. Budget Management
Cost savings is the dream of every business owner, however, not many know where to start.
Traditional methods are very costly due to the many processes involved. Working with two separate parties is expensive, and important items, like potential issues, can get lost in translation (which equates to an even higher spend).
With design-build project delivery, the designer and the contractor are (literally) on the same team. Communication is easier and the individuals in charge of designing the roofing systems are familiar with the actual installation processes because they work together regularly (often onsite).
Additionally, there is better budget control, since decisions are made beforehand and changes can be anticipated.
2. High Level of Accountability
A single company, the design-builder, is tasked with control of the project. Architectural design and construction services are together, under one roof so to speak. Project management involves everything from the budgeting to the final product and project costs. There’s a single contract from design phase throughout construction phase, so less documents to refer to and keep track of.
If setbacks occur, that single entity can resolve them without being drawn into blame games and fingerpointing.
3. Better, Open Communication
One of the biggest contributors to the success of any project is communication. With open communication in place, it’s easier to accomplish tasks without failure. In construction, communication is essential.
A design-build offers better communication internally and externally. The entity eliminates complications by maintaining constant communication with the client and all team members are in the loop with it comes to status updates.
With efficient communication in place, projects turnaround quickly and are less costly.
4. Quality Control
A commercial roofing company focused on design-build is comprised of numerous experts and technicians.
The system removes any ambiguity that may arise during design and construction, and with the engineer and designer being part of the same firm, focus shifts to the client’s best interests. Employees work as a team when taking on projects, leaving the chances of error next to zero.
The design-build team is tasked with delivering the end product as agreed upon when signing the contract. Thus, they have to strive to make sure there are no errors and that the project has been undertaken as agreed.
5. Faster Delivery
With all aspects of the roofing project undertaken through one point of contact, projects take shorter periods of time to construct. This streamlining of operations makes work easier and faster than in the traditional process.
The entire team can work simultaneously without delays. Bid time is reduced, and any potential problems are addressed seamlessly.
The Bottom Line With Design-Build
Now you have an answer to your question: what is design build?
Due to its inherent flexibility, the design-build method suits many construction projects. It combines both construction and design on one team and is basically the equivalent of one-stop shopping.
Looking to hire a design-build firm for your commercial roofing project? By doing so, you will certainly enjoy the many benefits that come along such a company. Save yourself money and time… and eliminate any headaches!
For all your commercial roofing needs, be sure to contact TEMA today.