Case Study Overview

TEMA Roofing Services was tasked with assisting Boardman Local Schools on multiple roofing projects resulting in, among other projects, ongoing commercial roof replacement and maintenance based upon yearly budget constraints.

At Boardman’s Glenwood Junior High School location, all roof areas were experiencing problems, and the original system (a single-ply roof with a gypsum deck) was no longer covered under warranty. After assessment, TEMA suggested partial commercial roof replacement since the number of significant leaks meant that the scope of repair would exceed return on investment (i.e. replacement was ultimately more cost-effective than continued repair).

Project Specs

Location: Boardman, OH
Date: Ongoing (initial work completed July to Aug. 2019)
Existing Roof: Single-ply roof system to a gypsum deck
Material Used: White Duro-Last PVC
Coverage: 38,000 sq. ft. initially (entire roof is nearly 100,000 sq. ft.)
Solution: Reviewed inspection results and discussed options to replace roof within yearly budget constraints



TEMA’s relationship with the Boardman Local School District included professional cleaning and regular preventative maintenance for Stadium Drive Elementary School and an ongoing, partial re-roof of Glenwood Junior High School’s existing structure (prioritized based on affordability, the severity of need and yearly budget).

The school district had reached out to TEMA Roofing to assess all areas of concern and to get guidance on the most beneficial route to take, in regard to continuous repair or overall replacement.

After inspection, TEMA Roofing suggested commercial roof replacement, since roof damage was so extensive. Together with school administration, TEMA prioritized replacement needs within the school’s yearly budget, and was quickly onsite for the first round of the building’s partial re-roof (38,000 sq. ft). The project was completed within about five week’s time.


Unfortunately, roofs don’t last forever. And in the case of Glenwood Junior High, the existing structure had aged to the point that multiple leaks were wreaking havoc on the interior of the building. The original roof material was single-ply with a gypsum deck, which has a relatively short lifespan.

Cons of Single-Ply Roofing

Single-ply roofing is known within the commerical roofing industry to be lightweight and easy to work with. However, the material’s lightweight properties mean that the membrane is ultimately a thinner product, as compared to some other options on the market.

Single-ply’s thinner surface can easily puncture if not diligently maintained. Cracks can also occur as UV light dries out the material. Blistering is also a known issue, indicating that air or water is trapped underneath. (Water means that the single-ply membrane has likely failed.) When multiple punctures and cracks appear, the roofing system has likely  reached the end of its life and should be replaced.

Seam and flashing problems are also common with this particular roofing system. Loss of adhesion on the seams can occur on fully adhered systems and if fasteners are too far apart on mechanically fastened roof systems, issues arise. With flashing, as the roofing material ages (and dries out) the edges tighten and often detach from the surrounding area.

The school system was unsure of how to proceed, and called upon TEMA Roofing to assess whether the current roofing material was salvageable. After inspection, it was determined that the issues were so severe that the cost of continual repair would significantly outweigh roof replacement.

However, the surface area of the building’s roof totaled nearly 100,000 square feet, and the yearly allowance for building improvements could not accommodate such a large, one-time expense. As a result, TEMA and the school needed to come up with a solution to properly address all areas of concern without going over the school’s annual budget.


Upon completing a 40-Point Inspection, TEMA Roofing suggested ongoing partial roof replacement until all areas of the roof were addressed. Problem areas were prioritized based upon the severity of membrane damage and fixed one at a time. By incorporating a partial roof replacement strategy, the district was able to receive the necessary roof replacement while staying within financial constraints.

After the initial consultation, TEMA scheduled work quickly. The first phase of replacement spanned July to August 2019.

In order to expedite construction and maintenance services, many schools, universities, non-profit organizations and government entities utilize purchasing cooperatives like the Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS- USA).

What is a Purchasing Cooperative?

As described by TIPS, a purchasing cooperative leverages the purchasing power of entities across the nation. Through a single lead agency, the purchasing cooperative bids and awards contracts to vendors on behalf of the entity in need.

In regard to commercial roofing services from TEMA Roofing, this process expedites the contract procurement process and streamlines roofing project management capabilities – allowing school systems and other entities to concentrate on normal, daily responsibilities.

Overall benefits include:

  • Access to local, best-in-class contractors
  • Savings of time and money
  • Flexibility to work with any major manufacturer
  • Buying power or a national contract
  • Compliance review of all proposals
  • No membership fees

The 36,000 sq. ft. partial re-roof utilized white Duro-Last PVC. The material offers proven performance, especially when compared to other membranes (like TPO). Duro-Last PVC membranes are composed of film layers, laminated on both sides. It welds better, performs better and has a longer industry track record.

Benefits of White Duro-Last PVC Membrane

  • Energy Efficiency – The highly-reflective white membranes provide energy savings in all geographic regions.
  • Versatility – Products come in multiple colors and are lightweight enough to be installed in various applications (including over an existing roof without tear-off).
  • Serviceability – White PVC is a durable, long-lasting product. The manufacturer’s warranty is good for 20 years, and case studies show that 30-40 year old roofs are still performing well when properly maintained.
  • Code Approvals – All Duro-Last membranes meet or exceed major national fire and wind code requirements.

The Glenwood Junior High project incorporates ongoing commercial roof replacement within yearly budget constraints until all issues are resolved. Once fully complete, and in tandem with regular preventative commercial roof maintenance, the new system can be expected to last for decades.

Whether you have one building or one hundred, TEMA has the experience and expertise to fit your needs and budget. Our custom-designed programs are built for every roof within an asset portfolio, and our team of professional, knowledgeable staff work diligently to provide unmatched response, whether you are in need of a partial re-roof, new build or ongoing maintenance.
